Thursday, August 30, 2007

Kenya: Riders on the Ostrich

"Koledzicom po svijetu" is a popular comedy-documentary show . The guests in this show visited various countries and had to do a lot of silly tasks. The show is very popular because it is really hilarious. In this video, blonde lady had to past the task for Maasai Woman and learn how to ride on the Ostrich.

1 comment:

Professor Howdy said...

All of us, at one time or another,
have experienced the strange
physiological reaction of zygomatic
stimulation and subsequent larynx

This strain upsets the respiratory
system, which results in deep,
noisy gasps. The mouth opens
and closes as the lungs struggle
for oxygen.

The struggle for oxygen causes
the face to turn various shades
of red and strange, unique noises
emerge from deep within.

What is this strange,physiological
reaction I am describing? It is

We normally associate laughter with
humor. But, gelotology, the study of
laughter, suggests another trigger for
laughter called the incongruity theory.

This theory suggests that laughter
arises when logic and familiarity are
replaced by things that don't normally
go together--when we expect one
outcome and another happens.

Generally speaking, our minds and
bodies anticipate what's going to
happen and how it's going to end
based on logical thought, emotion,
and our past experience. But, when
circumstances go in unexpected
directions, our thoughts and emotions
suddenly have to switch gears and
laughter emerges out of the tension
between what we expect--and what
actually happens.

This phenomenon is what you will
encounter at 'Thought & Humor's
with well over 1 million hits...